yoga news

Summer Solstice - 20 June 2016

'The solstice is a time of sacred celebration, connecting us to the cosmic light that comes to us through the Sun, which embraces all of nature for the bounty of the summer season. It is a time to align our lives to our Divine purpose and origin.

This June 20 solstice day is marked by several notable astrological events. Most significant, it occurs with the full Moon, a very rare event astronomically speaking. This makes it especially powerful for uniting both transformative solar and lunar energies.'


via Yogini Shambhavi

The time-honored art of breathing

Yogis of long ago recognized the merit in calming, cleansing and balancing the body and mind with the breath. Developed over 5,000 years ago, pranayama (Sanskrit for ‘vital energy’ and ‘extend’) is an integral aspect of yogic practice. Below are several examples of how to use the breath to keep the system healthy on all levels.


10 Benefits of Restorative Yoga

'As a tool for self-transformation, restorative yoga facilitates the integration of all the layers of life—environmental, physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual—culminating in the goal of all goals, awakening to your own divine nature.'


Loving Kindness Meditation

"The Dalai Lama once said that anything that is not love is fear. Seeing the primary emotion as fear instead of hatred or anger may help you forgive transgressions a little easier. The following loving-kindness meditation will help with the process of easing your heart."

Loving Kindness Meditation
May I be filled with loving-kindness;
May I be well;
May I be peaceful and at ease;
May I be happy.

愛 と 優し さ の メディテーション
愛 と 優し満たさ れ ます よう に 。
健康 で あり ます よう に 。
平和 で 安らか で あり ます よう に。
幸せ で あり ます よう に。

More on Loving Kindness Meditation on

Headstand (Sirsasana)

"Eventually there would not be much weight on your arms, and when the energy clears out, you'll feel lighter too." - Nancy Gilgoff, on working towards one-hour headstands (Sirsasana) in an Ashtanga practice

Ashtanga Practitioner's Clinic with Nancy Gilgoff, Niseko (13 - 16 May 2016)

Heat points

"This is one of the 'heat points' in the body. As you would want to maintain the internal heat built up through the practice, avoid pressing the centre of your palm on the floor. In handstands, [with the centres of the palms not entirely touching the floor], your wrists have more flexibility and that prevents wrist injury as well."
- Nancy Gilgoff, Ashtanga Practitioner's Clinic 2016, Niseko

Ashtanga taught by Guruji (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois)

"Ashtanga taught by Guruji (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois) was very different from how it is taught today. It was lighthearted and fun, and there was always laughter in the room. Guruji was never strict with us, the only thing he was strict about was that you practiced daily." 
- Nancy Gilgoff on her experience as a yoga student with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois over 40 years ago
